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בהתיסדות מפעל חן וחסד.JPG

Rabbi Mordechai


Founder Of Chein V'Chessed

Every Rebbe - Chein V'Chessed was created to relieve the financial strain that Monsey's finest – our Melamdim, Magidei Shiur and Mashgichim – suffer. Although they are among the most dedicated individuals in our community and we owe our entire spiritual being to them, they are also the most underpaid. The problem becomes particularly acute as Yom Tov approaches, when the added burden of feeding and clothing burgeoning families becomes unbearable.
To ease their burden without attacking their dignity, Every Rebbe provides these
families – over 920 already! – with coupons for steep discounts worth hundreds of dollars on a wide range of household necessities, ranging from fish and meat to hats and shoes, housewares and more.
Our community’s generous storekeepers provide half of the discount while Every Rebbe
raises the funds to cover the other half.
We are a non-denominational organization. Chein V’Chessed works with all Monsey’s
dozens of yeshivos and Mosdos HaTorah equally. This is a true community-wide effort that requires the unified efforts of our activists, Monsey’s vendors and the broader community, generous warmhearted people like you.
In the merit of this tremendous Tzedaka may you and your family enjoy a year of abundant blessings, health and prosperity, and nachas and joy from your children.

באסיפת נגידים בבית הרב לטובת חן וחסד.JPG

A meeting For Chein V'Chessed in his dining room


Overseeing the operation

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